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Jamila Shirzad


Bachelor of Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Commercial Agreements
  • Governance
  • Commercial Advice
  • Intellectual Property
  • Trade Marks and Registered Designs

Jamila works broadly across the commercial sector and advises both private clients and those in the health, government and not-for-profit sectors.

Jamila advises on a range of corporate transactions and commercial agreements, the creation and merger of companies, trusts and not-for-profit entities as well as corporate governance and compliance.


  • Advising on commercial and corporations law, corporate governance issues, including governance processes and constitution reforms
  • Advising on business structures including the creation and merger of companies, trusts, joint ventures, not-for-profit organisations and charitable foundations
  • Advising and managing Trade Mark portfolios


  • Committee Member, Russell Kennedy’s Pro Bono Committee
  • Committee Member, Kaleidoscope