E-cigarettes lose puff in public places

New South Wales has introduced legislation to curb vaping and smoking of e-cigarettes in public places. 

The Smoke-free Environment Amendment Bill 2018, which comes into effect in July, amends the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 and the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008. The changes will result in the regulation of vaping products, also known as ‘heat-not-burn’ products and other e-cigarettes being brought into line with the regulation of ordinary tobacco products.

If these products are used in contravention of the Act, users could face fines of up to $550.00 according to NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard.

Similar changes have already been implemented in Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT. Despite the lack of addictive nicotine in most of these products, medical evidence does not support the idea that e-cigarettes are healthier than cigarettes. According to the NSW Chief Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant, some of these products can contain chemicals, toxins and metals, some of which are known to cause cancer.

Read the Bill and Explanatory Memorandum here.